Managing Prospective Student

You can perform a range of actions concerning the prospective students such as viewing extensive details, making edits, enlisting them in the waiting queue, and accepting or rejecting their application.   

1. Navigate to Students > Admissions on the Navigation Menu.

The Admissions page is displayed.


2.  To view the extensive details of a prospective student, click the  icon in its row, under the Actions column.

The Prospective Student Details page is displayed.

Here, you can edit the student's details, queue the student into the waitlist, accept or reject the student's application for admission, and print the details of the student.  You can alternatively follow the steps below for the corresponding actions.

3.  To edit the details of a prospective student, click the  icon in its row, under the Actions column.

The Edit Prospective Student page is displayed.

4.  Make the required changes in the fields.  For more information regarding the fields and their descriptions, refer to Registering a Student.

5.  To enlist the student on the waiting list, click the  icon in its row, under the Actions column.

The Waitlist dialog is displayed.

6.  Click YES.

The student is moved to the Waitlisted queue.

7.  To accept the prospective student’s application for admission, click the  icon in its row, under the Actions column.

The Accept dialog is displayed.

8.  Click YES.

The student is accepted and the details are moved to the Accepted list.

9.  To reject the prospective student’s application for admission, click the  icon in its row, under the Actions column.

The Reject dialog is displayed.

10.  Click YES.

The student is rejected and the details are moved to the Rejected list.

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