Assigning Teacher/Assistants/Students to Groups

You can assign a teacher, add assistants and add students to the group using this option. Every group can have only a single teacher assigned to it; however, a group can have multiple assistants and multiple students in it.

1. Navigate to Groups Group List on the Navigation Menu.

The Group List page is displayed.

2. Click the  icon in the row of the group to which you want to assign teacher/assistant/students.

The Group Details page is displayed.

3. To assign a teacher to the group, click the icon in the Teacher Name field.

The Select Teacher dialog is displayed.

4. Select the teacher that you want to assign to the group and click SELECT. You can also search for records using teacher names and their phone numbers.

The teacher is assigned. 


  • To change the assigned teacher, click the  icon in the Teacher Name field and select a new teacher for the group.

  • To remove the assigned teacher, click the  icon and click YES in the confirmation dialog.

5. To add assistant(s) to the group, click + Add Assistants in the Assistants section.

The Select Assistants dialog is displayed.

6. Check the box(es) for the assistant(s) that you want to add to the group and click SELECT. You can also search for records using assistants’ names and their phone numbers.

The assistant(s) is assigned. 


  • To delete an assistant, click the  icon and click YES in the confirmation dialog.

7. To add student(s) to the group, click + Add Students in the Students section.

The Select Assistants dialog is displayed.

8. Check the box(es) for the student(s) that you want to add to the group and click SELECT. You can also search for records using student names, parents’ names, civil ID and gender.

The student(s) is assigned. 


To delete a student, click the  icon and click YES in the confirmation dialog. 

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