Editing/Sharing/Deleting Announcements

Nursery Managers/Administrators can edit, share, and delete announcements that they have created as well as those posted by Teachers. Whereas, Teachers can edit, share, and delete only those announcements that they have created. The procedures to edit and delete an announcement as a Nursery Manager/Administrator and as a Teacher are the same.

1.  On the Home screen, tap the event that you want to edit/delete.


  • You can filter the posts on your Home screen to view only events. Refer to Filtering Posts.

  • If you are a Nursery Manager/Administrator, you can edit/delete any event.

  • If you are a Teacher, you can edit/delete only those events that you have created. 

The Event screen is displayed.

2. Tap the three dots icon at the top-right.

A dialog is displayed at the bottom.

3. To edit the event, tap Edit Event.

The Edit Event screen is displayed.

4. Edit the values of the required fields and tap Update.

The event will be updated.

5. To share the event, tap Share.  For more information, refer to Managing Posts

6.  To delete the event, tap Delete Event and tap OK in the confirmation dialog. 

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