Creating Events

You can create an event using this option. The procedure to create an event as a Nursery Manager/Administrator and as a Teacher is the same.

1. Tap the Activities on the Navigation Menu.

The Activities dialog is displayed.

2. Tap Event.

The Make an event screen is displayed.

3. Enter a name for the event in the Event Title field.

4. Enter a summary of the event in the Description field.

5. To attach documents to the event, tap the Attachments field and select the document you want to attach. You can attach documents in PDF, JPG, and JPEG formats. To delete the attachment, tap the delete icon. This is an optional field. You can create events even without attaching any documents to them.

6. Select the date and time of event commencement from the Start Date calendar and From time dropdown list respectively. 

7.  Select the date and time when the event ends from the End Date calendar and To time dropdown list respectively. 

8.  To tag students to the event, tap the Tag students field, check the student(s) that you want to tag, and then tap Done. To tag all groups of the nursery, check the All option and then tap Done.

9. If you do not want the event to be displayed on the Home screen, toggle the Show on home feed switch. By default, this option will be enabled.

10. If you want to set and send a reminder for the event, toggle the Send Reminder switch.

11. Tap Post.

The event is created and posted.

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