Viewing Attendance

You can view the attendance of the nursery using this option. The procedure to view the attendance as a Nursery Manager/Administrator and as a Teacher is the same.

1. Tap the Activities on the Navigation Menu.

The Activities dialog is displayed.

2. Tap Attendance.

The attendance screen is displayed. By default, the attendance of the current day and all nursery groups is displayed with details including AllUnmarkedPresent, and Absent.

The alphabets on the screenshot correspond to the list numbers below:

  1. You can select the name of the group for which you want to view the daily attendance report from the dropdown list. You can view the report of only one group at a time. 

  2. You can select the date for which you want to view the daily attendance report from the dropdown calendar.

  3. You can search for an individual student to view the daily attendance report. Enter the complete name or a part of the student’s name in the search bar.

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