Privacy Policy



Effective Date: June 1, 2024


Bounce Tech LLC (“Bounce”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) might collect, process, and maintain  information relating to an identity or an identifiable natural person that is treated as personal information under applicable privacy laws (“Personal Data”) from users of Bounce’ Services (as defined below). Protecting the privacy of users of the Bounce Services is important to us.  Our Privacy Policy explains what data we collect, maintain, and process, how we do that and how the data subjects, i.e. child care providers (“Child Care Provider” or “CCP”), CCP’s clients and customers (each, a ”Client” and collectively, the “Clients”) and users of the Bounce website (“Users”), may use their rights. Unless otherwise set forth in this Privacy Policy, CCPs, Clients and Users shall collectively be referred to herein as “you” or “your”.  This Privacy Policy applies to information we may obtain from you when you use the products, services, tools, and functionalities offered or made available by Bounce, whether online (including the Platform or a mobile application or when you otherwise interact with Bounce (collectively, the “Bounce Services”). The “Platform” means all of Bounce’s websites, devices, and mobile applications, including pages within each website and mobile and web applications, and equivalent, mirror, replacement, substitute or backup such websites and mobile and web applications, and pages that are associated with each such websites, devices and mobile and web applications.  This Privacy Policy may be updated by Bounce from time to time or if required in order to reflect the changes in data collection, maintenance, and processing practices or otherwise. It is important that you read and understand this Privacy Policy.  If you do not agree to or do not have the authority to agree to this Privacy Policy, you may not use the Bounce Services.  Furthermore, the use of the Bounce Services are governed by the Conditions of Use and any Agreement with Bounce.



We collect two types of information from you, Personal Data and Technical Data (as defined below). Although we do not normally use Technical Data to identify individuals, sometimes individuals can be recognized from it, either alone or when combined or linked with Personal Data. In such situations, Technical Data can also be considered to be Personal Data under applicable laws, and we will treat the combined data as Personal Data. Bounce may collect , process, and maintain, for example, the following Personal Data: (i) name and contact details; (ii) e-mail address; (iii) phone number; (iv) date of birth (v) invoicing and billing information; (vi) business data; and (vii) other Personal Data that you provide yourself to Bounce. The specific kind of Personal Data collected will depend on how you use the Bounce Services. Some Personal Data is received directly from you at the point of registration or otherwise at the beginning of and during your use of the Bounce Services. When CCPs apply for the Bounce Services for an account with Bounce, we may collect Personal Data such as the CCP’s owners’ and employees’ name, email address, telephone number, or third-party account credentials.  Bounce does not collect Personal Data from Users.  CCPs collect Personal Information from Clients, including any information that Clients add to his/her account settings. We may collect Personal Data from individuals and third parties to assess and pursue potential business opportunities. We may collect Personal Data that you submit directly to Bounce.  Any information that you provide using the public sharing features of the Bounce Services will be considered public, unless otherwise required by applicable law and is not subject to the privacy protections referenced in this Privacy Policy.   Furthermore, Personal Data is based on the data CCPs provide to Bounce for processing.


The Bounce Services use several web analytics services to compile Technical Data and reports on Users usage and to help us improve the Bounce Services (“Technical Data”). Technical Data we gather in connection with the use of the Bounce Services may include, for example, the following data: (a) your IP address; (b) browser type and version; (c) preferred language; (d) geographic location using IP address or the GPS, wireless, or Bluetooth technology on your device; (e) operating system and computer platform; (f) the full Uniform Resource Locator (URL) clickstream to, through, and from the Bounce Services, including date and time; (g) products or services you viewed or searched for while using the Bounce Services; (h) areas of the Bounce Services you have visited; and (i) historical data regarding your use of the Bounce Services. We use various technologies to collect and store Technical Data and other information when you use the Bounce Services, including cookies. Cookies allow us to calculate the aggregate number of people use the Bounce Services and monitor the use of the Bounce Services. This helps us to improve the Bounce Services and better serve you. We may also use cookies that make the use of the Bounce Services easier, for example by remembering usernames, passwords and preferences. We may use tracking and analytics cookies to see how well the Bounce Services are being received by you. You may choose to set your web browser to refuse cookies or to alert when cookies are being sent. This can usually be done through the Internet browser’s settings. Information about how to manage cookies can be found online. Please note that some parts of the Bounce Services may not function properly if use of cookies are refused.  Further, the Bounce Services may not respond to Do-Not-Track requests or headers from some or all browsers.  We may also collect information from third parties, including from third party providers.   For example, we may collect Personal Data about you from a third-party application that you have made available via your privacy settings. 


2.             Persons Under the Age of 16.


Our Platform is not directed at persons under the age of 16 (or other age as required by local law).  Further, we do not knowingly collect Personal Data of persons under 16 years of age.   If we learn we have collected such information, we will delete such information.  To notify us that we might have any information from or about a person under the age of 16, please contact us at


3.             SCOPE AND CONSENT.


By signing up for, accessing, or using the Bounce Services, you accept this Privacy Policy and consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Data as described in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy only covers data collection, maintenance, and processing carried out by Bounce. The Privacy Policy does not address, and we are not responsible for, the privacy practices of any third parties. Bounce disclaims all responsibility for the collection, maintenance, and processing carried out by third parties, also in cases where the Bounce Services include hyperlinks to third parties’ websites. 




There are several purposes for the collection, maintenance, and processing of Personal Data by Bounce. We may collect, maintain and process Personal Data to perform our contractual obligations to you and to comply with our legal obligations. Furthermore, we may collect, maintain and process Personal Data to pursue our legitimate interest to run, maintain and develop our business. Personal Data and Technical Data may also be used or processed by Bounce for some or all of the following purposes:


  1.  Quality improvement and trend analysis.  We may process information regarding the use of the Bounce Services to improve the quality of the Bounce Services (e.g. by analyzing any trends in the use of the Bounce Services). When possible, we will do this using only aggregated, non-personally identifiable data.


  1.  To provide our Bounce Services and carry out our contractual obligations.  We may collect, maintain and process Personal Data to be able to offer the Bounce Services to you and to run, maintain, and develop our business, including providing Personal Data to affiliates and third party providers necessary to provide the Bounce Services. We may also collect, maintain, and process Personal Data to manage your information and accounts and in providing access to certain areas, functionalities, and features of the Bounce Services.  In some cases, Personal Data may be collected, maintained, and processed in order to carry out our contractual obligations to you. If you contact us at, we will use the information that you provide for answering questions and solving possible issues.


  1. For communication.  We may collect, maintain and process Personal Data for the purpose of contacting you regarding the Bounce Services and to inform you of changes in the Bounce Services. 


  1. For adding value-added functionality to the Bounce Services.  In all instances, we use Personal Data solely to the extent permitted by applicable laws, rules, and regulations.   Provided the following are done in full compliance with this Privacy Policy, applicable laws, rules, and regulations, Bounce may (a) process, analyze, and manage data to provide the Bounce Services to you; and (b) use data to analyze, develop, and improve its products, systems, and tools.


  1. Create anonymized or aggregated data that does not identify third parties or you.  We may share information with third parties that is not personally identifying, such as aggregated or anonymized data that does not identify you or our third parties, in our discretion, where not prohibited by law.


  1. Marketing.   We may use aggregated, non-personally identifiable Personal Data to tailor and provide direct content and advertisements for the Bounce Services.  We may provide you with these materials as permitted by applicable law.  


  1. Comply with applicable laws, regulations and legal requests.  We may share Personal Data in response to a subpoena or similar investigative demand, court order, requests for cooperation from a law enforcement agency, self-regulatory body, or other governmental agency to establish or exercise our legal rights, to defend against legal claims, or as we reasonably believe is required by law.  In such cases, we may raise or waive any legal objection or right available to us.   


  1. Prevent or detect fraud, security breaches, or other misuse.  We may share Personal Data when we believe that disclosure is appropriate in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding any actual or suspected illegal activity, security breaches,  or other wrongdoing, to protect and defend the rights, property, or safety of our business, our users, our employees, or others or to enforce any of our agreements or policies.



5.             YOUR RIGHTS. 


Bounce will handle your requests and rights in accordance with applicable law.  This means there may be legal reasons why we cannot fulfill all requests.  Bounce may need to request specific information from you to help confirm your identify and ensure your right to access your Personal Data (or to exercise any of your other rights).  This is a security measure to ensure that your Personal Data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it.  We may also contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request to speed up our response time.


  1. Right to know.   You have the right to know whether we are processing your Personal Data.


  1. Right to withdraw consent.  In case the collection, maintenance, or processing of Personal Data is based on your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent may lead to fewer possibilities to use, or the complete termination of the Bounce Services.


  1.  Right to correct.  You have the right to have incorrect, imprecise, incomplete, outdated, or unnecessary Personal Data we have stored about you corrected or completed.


  1.  Right to object.  You may object to certain use of Personal Data if such information is collected, maintained, or processed for other purposes than purposes necessary for the performance of the Bounce Services to you or for compliance with a legal obligation. You may also object to any further collection, maintenance, or processing of Personal Data after previously giving consent. If you object to the further collection, maintenance, or processing of Personal Data, this may lead to fewer possibilities to use of or the complete termination of the Bounce Services. 


  1. Right to access.  Bounce offers you access to your Personal Data maintained or processed by us. This means that you may contact us, and we will inform you what Personal Data we maintain and the purposes such Personal Data is used for.


  1. Right to data portability.  You have the right to receive your Personal Data from us in a structured and commonly used format and to independently transmit that information to a third party.


  1. Right to deletion.  You may also ask us to delete your Personal Data from our systems. We will comply with such request unless we have a legitimate ground to not delete the information. We may not immediately be able to delete all residual copies from our servers and backup systems after the active Personal Data has been deleted. Such copies shall be deleted as soon as reasonably possible.


  1. Right to restriction of maintenance or processing.  You may request us to restrict certain maintenance or processing of Personal Data, but this may however lead to fewer possibilities to use the Bounce Services.


  1. How to use the rights.  The above mentioned rights may be used by sending a letter or an e-mail to us at the addresses set out below, including the following information: the full name, company name (if applicable), address, e-mail address, and a phone number. We may request the provision of additional information necessary to confirm your identity. We may reject requests that are unreasonably repetitive, excessive, or manifestly unfounded. 


Lodging a complaint.  If you consider our collection, maintenance, or processing of Personal Data to be inconsistent with the applicable data protection laws, you may lodge a complaint with the local supervisory authority for data protection.


6.             STORAGE PERIOD.


Bounce does not store Personal Data longer than is legally permitted and necessary for the purposes of providing the Bounce Services or the relevant parts thereof. The storage period depends on the nature of the information and the purposes for collecting it. The maximum period may therefore vary per use. Typically, we will store your Personal Data for as long as you are a registered user of the Bounce Services or for as long as we have another purpose to do so and, thereafter, for no longer than is required or permitted by law or reasonably necessary for internal reporting and reconciliation purposes. In general, your Personal Data is deleted within a reasonable time after you no longer use any part of the Bounce Services or when you make a request regarding deletion of your Personal Data. 




We will take all reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect the Personal Data we store and process from unauthorized access or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction. We maintain all Personal Data collected through industry standard safe mechanisms. We use administrative, organizational, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the Personal Data we collect and process. Our security controls are designed to maintain an appropriate level of data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. If a security breach occurs despite our security measures that is likely to have negative effects to your privacy, we will inform you and other affected parties, as well as relevant authorities when required by applicable data protection laws, about the breach as soon as reasonably possible. We use appropriate security measures to keep your Personal Data safe; however, we cannot guarantee that your Personal Data will always remain secure.  We encourage you to disclose any suspected security vulnerabilities or bugs to us at


8.             RECIPIENTS.


We only share Personal Data within the organization of Bounce if and as far as reasonably necessary to perform and develop the Bounce Services. We do not share Personal Data with third parties outside of Bounce organization other than in connection with the performance of the Bounce Services (including, without limitation, with third party providers for the Bounce Services) unless one of the following circumstances applies:


  1. With explicit consent.  We may share Personal Data with third parties outside Bounce’ organization for other reasons than the ones mentioned before, when we have your explicit consent to do so. You have the right to withdraw this consent at all times. 


  1. It is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.  To the extent that third parties need access to Personal Data to perform the Bounce Services, Bounce has taken appropriate contractual and organizational measures to ensure that Personal Data is maintained and processed exclusively for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.


  1. To authorized service providers.  We may share Personal Data to authorized service providers who perform services for us (including data storage, sales, marketing and customer support services). Our agreements with our service providers include commitments that the service providers agree to limit their use of Personal Data and to comply with privacy and security standards at least as stringent as the terms of this Privacy Policy. Please bear in mind that if you provide Personal Data directly to a third party, such as through a link on our Website, the processing is typically based on their policies and standards.


  1. For legal reasons.  We may share Personal Data with third parties outside Bounce’ organization if we have a good-faith belief that access to and use of the Personal Data is reasonably necessary to: (i) meet any applicable law, regulation, and/or court order; (ii) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues; and/or (iii) protect the interests, properties or safety of Bounce’ customers or the public in accordance with the law. When possible, we will you about such transfer and processing.


  1. For other legitimate reasons.  If Bounce is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, we may transfer Personal Data to the third party involved; however, we will continue to ensure the confidentiality of all Personal Data. We will give notice to you when your Personal Data is transferred or becomes subject to a different privacy policy as soon as reasonably possible.




Bounce reserves the right to modify or amend this Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason. If we make any changes, we will notify you by posting it on our Platform. We encourage you to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the information we collect.  By using the Bounce Services, you acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy periodically and become aware of any modifications.  If there are material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you more directly by email or means of a notice on the home page prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about our information practices and the ways you can help protect your privacy. Your continued access or use of our Platform and Bounce Services following a change means you consent to the collection, maintenance, use and disclosure of your Personal Data as set out in this Privacy Policy.


10.          Use of Bounce Services from Outside of the United States.


The Bounce Services are intended to be provided within the United States.  The Bounce Services are governed by the laws of the United States and are intended for your use while connected to the internet from a physical location within the United States only.  We make no representation that the Bounce Services are governed by, or operated in accordance with, the laws of any other nation.


11.          Notice to California Residents.


We are required by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPS”) to provide this CCPS Notice to California residents to explain how we collect, use, and share their Personal Data, and the rights and choices we offer California residents regarding our handling of their Personal Data.  This CCPA Notice applies only to California residents whose interactions with us are limited to:


  1.  Visiting our Website;
  2. Signing up for email alerts;
  3. Commenting on or contributing to the Website;
  4. Establishing an account that does not include financial products or services; or 
  5. Applying for our job openings on our Website (however, note that the CCPA limits some of the privacy rights for job applicants).


This CCPA Notice does not apply to the Personal Data we collect, use, or disclose about consumers who initiate or complete the process of applying for financial products or services.  This is because this information is subject is subject to the federal Gramm-Leach-Billey Act (“GLBA”) and implementing regulations of the California Financial Information Privacy Act (“FIPA”), or representatives of businesses that seek to obtain our products or services, or to provide products or services to us. 


We do not sell personal information.  As explained in this Privacy Policy, we use cookies and other tracking technologies to analyze website traffic and facilitate advertising.   Bounce may share the following categories of Personal Data to the following categories of third parties for a business purpose.


  1. Affiliates and Service Providers.  Identifiers; Personal Information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)); Commercial information; Internet or other electronic network activity; Professional or employment-related information; Inferences drawn from other personal information to create a profile about a consumer; Personal Information that reveals a consumer’s social security, driver’s license, state identification card, or passport number; and Personal Information that reveals a consumer’s account log-in, financial account, debit card, or credit card number in combination with any required security or access code, password, or credentials allowing access to an account


  1. Business Partners. Identifiers; Personal Information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)); Commercial information; Internet or other electronic network activity; and Inferences drawn from other personal information to create a profile about a consumer


  1. Other Third Parties. Identifiers; Personal Information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)).


The below provides California residents the right to know the categories of Personal Data collected and whether Bounce disclosed your Personal Data for business purposes in the proceeding twelve (12) months:


  1. Privacy Practices. We do not sell Personal Data.  As explained in our Privacy Policy, we use cookies and other tracking technologies to analyze website traffic and facilitate advertising.  Please note that we may also disclose Personal Data as described in Section 3 of this Privacy Policy.


  1. Privacy Rights.  The CCPA grants individuals the following rights:


  1. Information and Access.  You can request information about how we have collected, used, and shared your Personal Data during the past 12 months. You can also request a copy of the Personal Data that we maintain about you.


  1. Deletion.   You can ask us to delete the Personal Data that we collected or maintained about you.  Please note that the CCPA limits these rights by, for example, prohibiting us from providing certain sensitive information in response to an access request and limiting the circumstances in which we must comply with a deletion request.  We will respond to requests for information and access only to the extent we are able to associate with a reasonable effort the information we maintain with the identifying details you provide in your request.  If we deny your request, we will communicate our decision to you.  You are entitled to exercise the rights described above free from discrimination.  To request access to or deletion of Personal Data please contact us as set forth in Section 11.


  1. Opt-Out.   You may request us to stop sharing your Personal Data (“op-out”, including via a user-enabled global privacy control).  We cannot share your Personal Data after we receive your opt-out request unless you later authorize us to do so again. 


  1. Right to non-discrimination.  We cannot deny you the Bounce Services, charge you a different price, or provide a different level or quality of the Bounce Services just because you exercised your rights under the CCPA.  However, if you refuse to provide your Personal Data to us or ask us to delete or stop sharing your Personal Data, and that Personal Data or the sharing of the Personal Data is necessary for us to provide you with the Bounce Services, we may not be able to complete that portion of the Bounce Services or the Bounce Services in its entirety. 


  1. Right to correct.  You have the right to ask us to correct any inaccurate information that we may have about you.


  1. Right to limit.  You can direct us to only use your sensitive Personal Data (i.e. your social security number, financial account information, your precise geolocation data, or your genetic data) for limited purposes, such as providing you with the Bounce Services.


  1. Identity verification.  The CCPA requires us to verify the identity of the individual submitting a request to access or delete Personal Data before providing a substantive response to the request.  We will ask you to verify your identity when you submit a request.


  1. Authorized Agents.  California residents can empower an “authorized agent” to submit a request on their behalf.  We will require the authorized agent to have a written authorization confirming that authority.


12.          CONTACT US.


If you have additional questions about this Privacy Policy, or wish to access or change your Personal Data, please contact our customer support team at by email at or mail us at:


Bounce Tech LLC

9160 Forum Corporate Parkway Suite 350

Fort Myers, Florida 33905


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