Employees Attendance

The Employee Attendance module is a centralized system designed to streamline the process of tracking and managing staff attendance. This feature ensures accurate time-keeping for all staff members. 

Dive into the detailed guides below:


  1. Select "Employees" from the Left Menu

    This section is dedicated to managing and viewing all employee-related details.

  2. Click on "Attendance" under Employees

    This will navigate you to the Employee Attendance page, where you can view and manage attendance details for all staff.

How to Read the Employee's Attendance

The Employee Attendance page provides a comprehensive view of your staff's attendance. Here, you can monitor the overall attendance patterns.

1. Observe the Three Widgets

At the top, you'll see three widgets displaying:

  • Total number of employees
  • Number of checked-in employees
  • Number of employees on leave

These widgets give you a quick snapshot of the Month’s attendance status.

2. Navigate the Attendance Calendar

The calendar displays all employees vertically and the days of the month horizontally. This layout provides a clear view of each employee's daily attendance status.

How to Change the Date

Adjusting the date lets you focus on specific time frames.

  1. Use the Date Picker

    Select the desired month to view the attendance calendar and filter the widgets for that specific period.

How To Spot Employees Faster On The Attendance Calendar

Adjusting the filters lets you focus on criteria, making it easier to spot employees faster.

1. Filter by Specific Employee Name

Use the search field to find employees by their name. After applying the calendar will filter and display only the selected employee's attendance.

2. Filter by Attendance Status

Choose from the attendance statuses (Present, Pending, Approved, Late, or Unmarked) to filter the calendar view accordingly. This helps in quickly identifying patterns or specific attendance issues.

3. Apply or Reset Filters

After setting your desired filters, click on "Filter" to apply them. If you wish to revert to the default view, simply click "Reset".

How to Export the Employees Attendance List

Exporting the attendance list is crucial for record-keeping or sharing data with other departments.

1. Locate the "Export" Button

This tool lets you download the attendance calendar.

NOTE: If you've applied any filters to the attendance calendar, please be aware that the exported file will reflect these filters.

How to Mark the Employee's Attendance

We've provided two intuitive methods to mark employee attendance. Choose the one that best fits your immediate needs:

Option A: Marking Attendance via the Calendar

1. Navigate to the Attendance Calendar.

Here, you'll see all employees listed vertically and the days of the month displayed horizontally.

2. Click on a Specific Day for an Employee.

Clicking on a specific day will open the "Attendance Detail" modal for that employee.

3. Enter Check-In and Check-Out Time.

Specify the times the employee arrived and left from the nursery. Then click "Add".

4. Click "Done" to Save.

This will record the employee's attendance for the selected day.

Option B: Using the 'Mark Attendance' Button

1. Click on the "Mark Attendance" Button.

This will open a modal displaying a list of all employees.

2. Search or Filter the Employee List (if needed).

You can narrow down the list by searching for an employee's name or filtering by attendance status (Unmarked, Present, On Leave).

3. Select an Employee's Name.

This will open the "Employee Attendance Details" modal.

4. Enter Check-In and Check-Out Time.

Specify the times the employee arrived and left from the nursery.

5. Click "Done" to Save.

This will record the employee's attendance for the selected day.

How to Add Multiple Check-Ins for Employees with Multiple Shifts

For employees working in split shifts in a day, it's essential to record each check-in and check-out accurately. To record multiple check-ins and check-outs on the same day follow those steps:

1. Navigate to the Employee's Attendance Day

Click on a specific day on the attendance calendar for the employee you wish to add multiple check-ins.

2. Open the Attendance Detail Modal

This modal provides a comprehensive view of the employee's attendance details for the selected day.

3. Click on "Add Check-In"

After entering the details for the first shift, click on the "Add Check-In" button. This allows you to input details for the next shift.

4. Enter Subsequent Shift Details

Repeat the process for each additional shift, ensuring you specify accurate check-in and check-out times.

5. Save All Attendance Details

Once you've entered all the shifts for the day, click on "Add" to save.

How to Mark a Late Attendance of an Employee

Late attendance can impact the day's schedule and overall productivity of an employee. Here's how you can mark an employee as late:

1. Open the Attendance Detail Modal

Click on a specific day on the attendance calendar for the desired employee.

2. Enable the "Edit" mode.

2. Enable the "Late" Toggle

Switch on the "Late" toggle to mark the employee as late for that day.

3. Save the Attendance Details

Click on "Add" to save the updated attendance record.

How to Edit the Check-In and Check-Out Time of an Employee

Adjusting check-in and check-out times ensures accurate record-keeping, especially if there were errors during the initial marking.

1. Open the marked Attendance Detail Modal

Click on the present icon on the attendance calendar for the employee whose times you want to edit.

2. Click on Check-in and Edit Button

Edit button will appear after you click on check-in or check-out.

3. Modify the Times

Adjust the check-in and check-out times as needed.

4. Save the Updated Details

Click on "Add" to save the modified attendance record.

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