Students Attendance

The Students Attendance module simplifies tracking each student's daily presence or absence. With this tool, admins can navigate, edit, and monitor attendance, ensuring accuracy. For detailed steps on utilizing this feature, see the guides below:


1. Select "Students" from the Left Menu

On your left menu, click on Students.

2. Click on "Attendance" under Students

Among the options under students, select Attendance.

How to Read the Student's Attendance Page

Stay updated with your students' daily attendance. The Students Attendance page offers a comprehensive attendance view. Steps: 

1. Observe the Three Widgets

Get a quick snapshot of daily attendance with the help of widgets.

  • Total number of students
  • Number of checked-in students
  • Number of absent students

These widgets give you a quick snapshot of the day’s students attendance.


2. The Attendance Table

The Students Attendance table is designed to give you a clear and organized view of each student's daily attendance.

Table Columns Explained:

  1. Student's Name:

    This column displays the full name of each student in the nursery.

  2. Check-In Time:

    Here, you'll see the time when the student checked in for the day.

  3. Drop-Off Person:

    This column indicates who dropped off the student. It can be a parent, guardian, or any authorized person.

  4. Logged By:

    This column shows the name of the person who recorded the check-in.

  5. Check-Out Time:

    Similar to the check-in time, this column displays when the student left the nursery for the day.

  6. Pick-Up Person:

    Like the drop-off person, this optional column indicates who picked up the student.

  7. Logged By Person:

    This column shows the name of the person who recorded the check-out.

  8. Actions:

    The final column is dedicated to action buttons. Here, you can mark a student as present, absent, or make edits to their attendance record.

How to Filter the Student's Attendance Table by Date, Status, and Group

Need to narrow down the student's attendance table? Use the filters to see specific attendance records. Steps:

1. Select a Date

Use the Date Picker at the top to choose the specific day you want.

2. Search for a Student

Type the student's name into the Search Field to find them quickly.

3. Filter by Status

Use the Status Drop-Down to filter by attendance status (Present, Absent, or Unmarked).

4. Filter by Students Group

Use the Group Drop-Down to view students by their respective groups

5. Apply Filters

Click "Filter" to see the results. To clear your selections and view all records, click Reset.

How to Export the Students Attendance List

For offline records or further analysis, you can export the attendance list by following the below steps:

1. Initiate Export

Click on the Export button

Note: If you've applied any filters to the attendance table, the exported file will match those filters.

How to Mark the Students as Present

Ensure every student's attendance is accurately recorded. Here's how to mark them as present. Steps:

1. Locate the Student

Scroll through the table or use the search function to find the student.

2. Mark as Present

Click on the Mark Present button in the actions column. The student attendance modal will pop up.

3. Enter Details

In the modal, input the check-in time and, if available, the drop-off person's name. Click Add to save the attendance.

4. Confirm Attendance

After adding the attendance details, click Done to confirm the student’s attendance.

How to Mark the Students as Absent

Sometimes, students can't make it. Here's how to mark them as absent.

1. Locate the Student

Find the student in the table.

2. Mark as Absent

Click on the Mark Absent button. The marks as absent modal will appear.

3. Provide Absence Details

Optionally, select a reason for the absence and add any comments. Click Save to update the record.

How to Edit the Check-In and Check-Out Time of a Student

Mistakes happen. If you need to adjust the times, here's how:

1. Access the Student's Attendance Record 

Find the student and click on the three dots icon.

2. Edit Check-in

Click on edit check-in. The student attendance modal will open.

3. Modify the Times 

In the modal, adjust the check-in and/or check-out times as needed. Confirm by clicking Save.

4. Click Done

After doing all your changes click on the done button, to close the modal and confirm your changes.

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