Leave Management

The Leave Management module in Bounce is a dedicated feature designed to simplify and centralize the process of managing employee leaves. It offers a structured way for administrators to handle leave requests, approvals, and tracking, ensuring that the nursery's operations run smoothly even in the absence of certain staff members. Dive into the guide below to understand the functionalities and make the most of this feature.

Navigating to the Leave Management Page

Begin by accessing the dedicated page of bounce's leave management feature. Steps:

  1. 1. Navigate To Employees:
    From the left menu of the web app, click on "Employees". 

  1. 2. Click on Leave Management:
    Under the expanded options of "Employees", click on "Leave Management". 

How To Add an Employee Leave (From Leave Management Page)

Learn how to directly add a leave entry for an employee from the Leave Management page. Steps:

1. Initiating Leave Entry:

Click on the "Add Leave" button.

2. Fill The Leave Form:

  • Select the employee's name.
  • Choose the leave type from the dropdown.
  • Specify the leave's start and end dates.
  • Add any relevant comments.
  • Set the leave status (Pending, Approved, or Rejected).
  • Optionally, attach supporting files.

3. Add The Leave:

Click on the "Add" button to save the leave entry. 

How To Add an Employee Leave (From Employee Attendance Page)

There's an alternative way to submit a leave for an employee directly from their attendance page. Steps:

1. Navigating to the Attendance Page:
Access the employee's attendance calendar.

2. Selecting the Employee:
Click on the day the employee is on leave.

3. Mark Leave

From the employee attendance details page, Click on the Mark Leave Button.

4. Fill the Leave Form:
Fill in the necessary fields just like in the Leave Management page and click "Save".

How To Filter The Leave Table 

Refine the leave table view by applying specific filters to find the information you need faster. Steps:

1. Accessing Filters:
Use the toolbar to input your desired filters.

2. Applying Multiple Filters:
You can filter by employee name, leave type, status, start date, end date, or a combination of these.

3. Resetting Filters:
To clear all active filters and view the default table, click on the "Reset" button. 

How to view and edit a submitted leave

To view or edit an already submitted leave, follow the steps below: 

1. Viewing Leave Details:
Click on the eye icon to access detailed information about a specific leave.

2. Editing Leave Details: 

Within the leave details, use the contextual menu to modify any information.


3. Save Changes

Click on Save to save your changes.

How to Approve Or Reject A Leave

Quickly change the status of a specific leave entry to either approved or rejected. Steps:

1. Selecting a Leave:
Locate a submitted leave you wish to approve or reject.

2. Approve or Reject

Click on  '✔' to approve and  '✗' to reject a submitted leave.

Note: Rejected leaves trigger a push notification, alerting the concerned employee.

How To Take Actions On Submitted Leaves In Bulk

Handle multiple leave entries easily, streamlining the approval, rejection, or deletion process. Steps:

1. Selecting Multiple Leaves

Use the checkboxes next to each leave entry to select multiple leaves. For all leaves, use the "Select All" checkbox.

2.Choosing an Action:
From the toolbox, select a bulk action (Approve, Reject, Delete).

3.Confirming the Action:
Click on the "Submit" button, confirm your choice, and optionally add a comment.

How To Export The Leave Requests Table

For record-keeping or further analysis, you can export the leave data. Steps:

1. Initiating Export:
Click on the "Export" button.

2. Downloading the File:
Save the exported file to your desired location.

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