Employee attendance configurations

The Employee Attendance Configuration is your central hub for managing how the nursery staff marks their attendance, submits leaves, and more. This section provides tools to customize the attendance feature, ensuring it aligns with your nursery's operational needs.


Navigating to Employee Attendance Configuration

1. Navigate to Configurations

On your left menu, you'll find "Configurations". Click on it.

2. Proceed to Attendance Configurations

From the dropdown, select "Attendance Configuration".

3. Access Employee Attendance

This will lead you directly to the Employee Attendance Configuration page.

How to Allow Employees Use the Kiosk to Mark Their Attendance

By enabling the kiosk mode for employees, employees can mark their attendance using a dedicated kiosk QR Code at the nursery. This ensures a centralized and quick attendance marking system.

1. Toggle Kiosk Mode for Employees

Find the Kiosk Mode for Employees option and turn on the toggle.

2. Click SAVE

Confirm your choice by clicking on save.

How to Allow and Not Allow Employees to Sign When Checking In and Out

Requiring a signature adds an extra layer of verification. When enabled, teachers will need to sign (digitally) during both check-in and check-out, ensuring that the right person is marking the attendance. 

1. Toggle Require Signature from Employees

Adjust the toggle to require or skip signatures.

2. Click SAVE        

Save your changes.

How to Allow Employees Check In and Out Using Code Through The Mobile App Without Using the Kiosk QR Code

This feature provides teachers with unique codes to mark their attendance, eliminating the need for a kiosk QR Code. It's a handy alternative, but still if you want to force them to scan the QR Code toggle off this feature.

To enable or disable code-based check-ins and check-outs:

1. Toggle Allow Employees to Check In with Code

Adjust the toggle to allow or restrict code-based attendance.

2. Click SAVE

Confirm your changes by saving.

How to Allow and Not Allow Employees to Submit Leaves from Their App

Empower your teachers by allowing them to submit leave requests directly from their mobile app. This digital process ensures faster communication and processing of leave applications.

To manage leave submissions via the app:

1. Toggle Allow Employees to Submit Leaves from Mobile

Adjust the toggle to enable or disable this feature.

2. Click SAVE

Save your choice.

How to Set an Employee Leave Type as Active or Inactive

Leave types help categorize the reasons for absence. By setting a leave type as active or inactive, you control which leave categories are available for teachers to choose from when submitting a leave request.

To manage the status of leave types:

1. Access the Leave Types Table

Here, you'll see a list of leave types.

2. Set as Active or Inactive

For each leave type, you can set its status. Click on the desired status to change it.

3. Click SAVE

Save your changes.

How to Edit an Employee Leave Type

Over time, the reasons for leaves might change or need updating. This feature allows you to edit existing leave types to align with your nursery's policies.

To edit a leave type:

1. Access the Leave Types Table

Find the leave type you wish to edit.

2. Click On The Edit

3. Make your desired changes to the leave type.

When done with the changes, click save.

4. Click SAVE

Confirm your edits by saving them.

How to Delete an Employee Leave Type

If a particular leave type is no longer relevant, you can remove it. This ensures that the list of leave types remains relevant and concise for teachers and admins.

To remove a leave type:

1. Access the Leave Types Table

Find the leave type you wish to remove.

2. Click The Delete Icon

3. Confirm Your Action

Confirm your decision to delete the leave type.

4. Click SAVE

Always save after making changes.

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