Employee Management

 Explore step-by-step instructions on essential functions such as navigating the Employee List, filtering employees, viewing employee details, obtaining Kiosk Codes, editing employee information, adding new employees, and exporting employee data.


How to Navigate to the Employee List Page

Learn how to access the Employee List page within the admin panel.

1. Navigate to the Employees

Within the left-hand menu, you'll find the "Employee" option. Clicking on this expands a set of sub-options.

2. Open the Employee List

Among the sub-options under "Employee," look for "Employee List" and click on it. This action directs you to the Employee List Page.

How to Filter the Employee List

Learn how to use filters to refine the employee list.

1. Locate the Filter Toolbar

Above the employee table, you'll find the Filter Toolbar.

2. Apply Filters

Choose filter criteria such as employee name, role, phone number, employee title, and status.

3. Click "Filter"

To implement the selected filters, click the "Filter" button.

How to View Employee Details

Learn how to access and view detailed information about a specific employee.

1. Find the Employee

On the Employee List, locate the employee whose details you want to view.

2. Click on the Eye Icon

Next to the employee's name, you'll see an eye icon. Click on it. This action takes you to the employee's detailed information page.

You can now explore all the relevant details about the selected employee.

How to Get the Employee Kiosk Code

Learn how to obtain the Kiosk Code for an employee.

1. Access the Employee Details

Next to the employee's name, you'll see an eye icon. Click on it. This action takes you to the employee's detailed information page.

2. Locate the Kiosk Code

Just below the employee's picture, you'll find the unique Kiosk Code. Note down or share this code with the respective employee.

You've successfully obtained the employee's Kiosk Code, which they'll need for attendance purposes.

How to Edit Employee Details

Learn the process of modifying an employee's information.

1. Find the Employee

On the Employee List, Locate the employee whose details require editing.

2. Click on the Edit Icon

Next to the employee's name, there's an edit icon. Click on it. This action takes you to the employee's edit page.

3. Edit Employee Information

Make the necessary changes to the employee's information.

4. Save Changes

After editing, don't forget to click the "Save" button to confirm and apply the modifications.

How to Export the Employee List

Learn how to export the employee list data for your records.

1. Locate the Export Button:

In the Employee List, look for the "Export" button.

2. Click "Export"

Click the "Export" button to generate and download a file containing the employee list data.

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