Student's Attendance Page Basics

How to Navigate to the Student's Attendance Page

Learn how to easily access the student's attendance page through the mobile app.

1. Open The App

2. Choose "Activities" 

In the navigation options, locate and click on "Activities."

3. Select "Attendance"

Within the activities modal, choose "Attendance." This action directs you to the student's attendance page.

Now, you're all set to manage attendance efficiently.

How to Change a Student's Group

Learn how to change a student's group, ensuring accurate attendance records for the appropriate class.

1. View Your Groups

Click on the student group from the page header to see all the groups you've been assigned to.

2. Choose a Group

Select the student group you want to see. 

How to Filter the Student List

Find out how to filter the student list by unmarked, present, or absent.

1. Use Filter Pill

Click on the filter pills at the top of the student list to sort students by attendance status.

How To Filter The Student's List

Find out how to filter the student list based on unmarked, present, or absent.

1. Use Filter Pills

Click on the filter pills on top of the student list to sort students by attendance status.

2. Select Your Filter: 

Choose from options such as "Unmarked," "Present," or "Absent" to display the relevant list of students.

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