How to Mark a Student as Present


Learn how to quickly mark a student as present and record their check-in time.

How to Mark a Student as Present through Swiping

1. Find the Student

Locate the student in the list.

2. Swipe Right

Swipe the student's name right and click on "Present" to mark them as present.

Note: When marking a student as present through swiping right, will set the check-in time as per the action time by default. It can be edited. 

How to Mark a Student as Present and Enter a Check-in Time

For a more detailed attendance record, learn how to mark a student as present and record their check-in time.

1. Find the Student

Locate the student in the list.

2. Press on the Student's Name

Click on the student's name to get the actions modal.

3. Mark Present

Click on "Mark Present".

4. Student's Check-in Time

Enter the time the student has arrived at the nursery. 

5. Save the Marking

Click on "Done" to mark the student as present with the check-in time.

How to Edit a Student's Check-in Time

Learn how to make corrections to a student's check-in time for precise attendance records.

1. Press on the Student's Name

Click on the student's name to get the actions modal.

2.  Edit Check-in 

Select "Edit Check-in." This action opens the check-in time modal.

3. Modify Check-in Time

Change the previous check-in time as needed. 

4. Save Changes

Click done to modify the old check-in time.

How to Mark a Student's Checkout

Discover how to record a student's checkout time if they were marked as present.

1. Locate the Student

Find the student's name in the list.

2.  Mark Checkout

Select "Mark Checkout." This action opens the check-out time modal.

3. Set Checkout Time

Enter the checkout time in the modal and click "Done" to save it.

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