Weekdays Configurations

This guide assists nursery administrators in configuring the start day of the week and specifying working days for the nursery. Setting the start day and working days ensures accurate scheduling and calendar management. Follow the steps below to configure these settings.


How to Set the Start Day of the Nursery

Choose the day that marks the beginning of the week in your nursery's schedule. This setting can vary based on the nursery's operational preferences.

1. Access General Configurations:

Start by navigating to the general configuration page. Click on "Configurations" from the left menu. 

2. Open General Configuration

Within the Configuration section, select "General Configuration."

3. Choose the Start Day

In the "Weekdays Configuration" section, locate the "Start Day of the Week" dropdown. Click on it and select the day that marks the start of your nursery's week.

4. Save Changes

Do not forget to save your changes by clicking on "Save"

 How to Set the Working Days of the Nursery

Specify the days during the week when your nursery operates, helping in organizing schedules and ensuring accurate records.

1. Access General Configurations

Start by navigating to the general configuration page. Click on "Configurations" from the left menu.

2. Open General Configuration

Within the Configuration section, select "General Configuration."

3. Choose Working Days

In the "Weekdays Configuration" section, you'll find options to select the working days for your nursery. Click on the checkboxes next to the days that your nursery operates.

4. Save Changes

Do not forget to save your changes by clicking on "Save"

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