Online Student Registration

This guide provides instructions for nursery administrators to configure and customize online student registration. The online student registration feature allows parents to enroll their children in the nursery through an online form. Administrators can enable or disable this feature, personalize the form's text, add sections and fields, and generate a registration link.


How to Navigate to Student Admission Configurations

Access the online student registration settings to configure the registration process.

1. Open Configurations:

From the left menu, click on "Configurations."

2. Access Student Configurations: 

Under the "Configurations" options, click on "Student Configurations."

How to Disable and Enable Online Student Registration

Control the availability of online student registration according to your nursery's needs.

1. Enable/Disable Registration:

 On the "Online Registration of Students" setting, toggle between "On" and "Off" to enable or disable online registration.

Activating this feature allows parents to register students online.

How to Edit the Student Admission Form Message Text

Customize text elements on the online registration form to provide parents with important information.

1. Edit Form Messages: 

Customize the following text in both English and Arabic: 

  • Registration Description 
  • Title of Thank You Page 
  • Description of Thank You Page 
  • Message on Disabled Registration Site

Update these messages to make the registration process informative and personalized.

How to Add Sections to the Student Admission Form

Organize the registration form by adding sections for specific information.

1. Add a New Section: 

Click on the "Add New Section" button to create a new section on the form.

2. Enter Section Details: 

In the modal that appears, provide a section name in both English and Arabic. 

3. Add Section:

Click "Save" to add the section to the form.

How to Edit a Section in the Form

Modify existing sections to align the registration form with your nursery's requirements.

1. Edit an Existing Section:

Expand the section you wish to edit by clicking on the section title.

2. Edit Section:

Click the "Edit" icon next to the section title.

3. Edit Changes:

Adjust the section's details as needed.

4. Save Changes:

Click "Save" to confirm the changes.

How to Add Fields to Sections in the Student Admission Form

Enhance the registration form by adding fields to collect specific information about students.

1. Add New Field:

Within a section, click on the "Add New Field" button.

2. Choose a Field Type:

A field properties modal will appear, offering various field types. 

NOTE:  Field Types and How They Work

Configure properties

Configure properties like "Input Field Label," "Placeholder," "Class," and "Options" based on your needs.

1. Edit Field Properties:

Hover over the field and click on the "Edit" field icon.

2. Set Properties:

From the Field Properties, set the rules of the field. 

3. Save Field:

Click "Save" to add the field to the section.

Field Types and How They Work

Understand the available field types and their functions on the registration form.

  • Auto Complete Field: This field allows parents to enter information efficiently. As parents start typing in the field, the browser suggests options based on previously typed values. For example, include quick entry of school names, cities, or courses.
  • Check Box Group: Check box groups let parents select multiple options, making them suitable for collecting data where multiple selections are necessary. For example, allowing parents to choose sports activities their child is interested in.
  • Date Field: This field collects date-related information, ideal for capturing dates of birth, enrollment, or other relevant dates. For example, parents can enter their child's date of birth in this field.
  • File Upload: With this field, parents can upload documents, making it convenient for submitting required files like birth certificates, vaccination records, or other supporting documents.
  • Header: Headers help organize your form into sections. Use headers to group related questions or information. For example, a header can group questions related to the student's personal information.
  • Number: Number fields are suitable for capturing numerical data such as age, grade, or identification numbers. For example, parents can enter their child's age or Civil ID number in this field.
  • Paragraph: Paragraph fields allow parents to provide longer text responses. These are useful for open-ended questions or comments. For example, parents can provide details about any medical conditions or allergies.
  • Radio Group: A radio group enables parents to select a single option from a list of choices, perfect for questions with mutually exclusive answers. For example, asking parents to choose the preferred language of communication.
  • Select: The select field creates a dropdown list for parents to choose an option from a predefined set, streamlining the selection process. An example is asking parents to choose their child's grade level.
  • Short Text Input Field: Short text fields collect brief text responses. Use them for questions that require concise answers, like the student's full name.
  • Long Text Input Field: These fields are designed for longer text entries, making them suitable for detailed comments, explanations, or descriptions. Parents can use this for providing extended feedback or additional information.

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