
The Learning Module Framework is like the brain behind how we plan and follow what kids learn. It helps nursery admins easily organize, track, and make learning more exciting for students. Helps set up what kids will learn, and how they'll progress, and keeps everything organized.

Framework Terms

  • FRAMEWORK: is the Syllabus/Curriculum
  •  PROGRESS LEVEL SCHEME in FRAMEWORKis the Grading system in Syllabus/Curriculum


Understanding The Frameworks Table

Explore the list of existing frameworks with key details for effective management.

1. Access the "Frameworks" section in the left menu.

2. Observe columns like Code, Name, Year, Language, Country, Status, and Actions (View, Edit, Duplicate).

3. Utilize Sort options for each column.

4. Use Search functionality by Code or Name.

5. Apply Filters by Age group or Status.

6. Click "Reset" to clear filters.

How to Add a New Frame Work

In this topic, we'll guide you through the simple steps of creating a brand-new framework tailored for students.

1. Navigate to the learning.

    From the left menu click on Learning.

2. Access Frameworks

    From the expanded learning menu, click on Frameworks.

3. Click on Add Framework.

    To add a new framework, click on "Add Framework"

4. Fill The Framework Details

     Enter the details of the framework like:

  • Framework Name.
  • Code.
  • Version.
  • Year Established.
  • Description.
  • Country.
  • Language.
  • Age Group.
  • Attachments.

5. Click Save

    Save and continue to the next step which is the Progress Level Schema. 

How To Add a New Progress Level Schema

Think of a Progress Level Schema as the roadmap that guides a child from their very first steps in learning to more advanced stages of understanding. Imagine it as a series of checkpoints, like milestones in a journey, each marking a child's development within a specific framework.

1. Add New Progress Schema

    When adding a new or editing an existing progress level schema click on "Add New Progress Level Schema"

2. Enter the New Progress Level Details

    Enter the Code, Name, Description, and the color of the progress Level of the framework.

3. Add the Progress Level

    Click "Add" to add the progress level to the framework.

Viewing Framework Details

Dive into the details of a specific framework to understand its components.

1. View Framework Details. 

Click on the actions of the framework from the list.

2. View information 

Info such as Image/Logo, Name, Code, Status, Year established, Language, Country, Age groups, Description, Version, and Attachments.

3. Actions menu options: 

Status Change, Edit, Duplicate.

4. Framework Progress Level Schema and Domains

Check the Progress Level Schema and associated Domains.

How To Changing The Framework Status

Modify framework status as needed.

1. Go to framework details.

2. Choose "Status."

3. Select new status.

4. Confirm Action

    Click on Yes to confirm your action.

How To Edit Framework

Modify existing framework details effortlessly. Admins can update information, ensuring the framework remains relevant and aligned with the nursery's evolving needs.

1. Edit Framework.

    Click on the actions of the framework from the list, then click on "Edit"

2. Modify fields.

3. Save changes.

Click on "Update Framework" to save changes.

How To View Progress Level Schema

Gain insights into the hierarchical structure of progress levels within a framework.

1. View Framework Details

    Navigate to the details page of the framework you want to check the progress level for, and click on "View".

2. View Progress Level Schema.

    Click on Progress Level Schema to view the progress level Schema of the framework.

How To Edit Progress Level Schema

Customize and fine-tune the progress levels within a framework to meet specific learning objectives.

1. Edit Progress Level

    Click on "Edit" from the Progress Level detail page of the framework. 


2. Edit Framework's Progress Levels

    Add New, Remove, or Change the status of the framework's Progress Levels.

How To Duplicate a Framework

Admins can easily duplicate existing frameworks, facilitating the efficient development of custom frameworks or versions for different purposes.

1. Select Framework.

    Find the framework you want to duplicate. 

2. Choose "Duplicate."

    Click on "Duplicate" from the actions menu.

3. Change the Name and Save.

How To Add Domains in Framework

Enhance the framework's functionality by incorporating domains. Admins can add relevant domains to provide a more comprehensive and targeted approach to student learning.

1. View Framework

View the details page of the framework.

2. Add Domain

Inside a framework, click "Add Domain."

3. Fill domain details

4. Save and view changes.

How to Edit Domain in Framework

Modify domain details to adapt to changing requirements. This feature ensures that admins can update domains within the framework for optimal effectiveness.

1. In the domain list, click "Edit."

2. Update fields and click Save.

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