Framework Milestones

Framework milestones are essential markers within your learning framework, signifying key stages in a child's development. These milestones align with educational objectives and serve as a guide for tracking a child's progress. Administrators can customize milestones to suit the nursery's unique needs, ensuring a tailored learning experience.

How to Add Milestones in a Domain of a Framework

Admins can enrich a domain in the framework by adding new milestones and associating them with progress levels.

1. Access Domain Details

    Navigate to the domain details within the framework.

2. Add New Milestone

    Click on the add milestone button.

3. Fill the Milestone Form

     Provide Milestone Name, Code, and a brief Definition.

  • Choose a Category for organizational purposes (auto-complete feature available).
  • Select Status (Active or Inactive).
  • Toggle ON the desired Progress Levels.
  • Add additional details like Description and Indicators (with a character limit of 200).

4. Save Changes

  • Confirm and save the newly added milestone.


  • Ensure at least one active Progress Level is enabled for each milestone.
  • Inactive milestones won't appear in selection popups, maintaining focus on relevant content.
  • Changes made will be reflected in lesson plans, observations, and historical data.

How to Edit a Milestone (and its Progress Levels) in the Domain of a Framework

Admins can modify milestone details, including status and associated progress levels.

  1. 1. Edit Milestone
  2. Click on the contextual menu to edit a milestone's details and progress levels.

  1. 2. Modify Details

  2. Edit milestone fields, including name, code, status, and description. Adjust progress levels as needed.

  1. 3. Save Changes

  2. Confirm changes and save the edited milestone.

Note to Admins:

  • Inactive milestones remain accessible for reference but won't appear in selection popups.
  • Changes to active milestones affect observations, lessons, and lesson plans for seamless continuity.

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