Adding a Reminder

You can add reminders to be sent out to the parents using the following steps.

1.  Navigate to Configurations > Finance Configuration > Invoice & Payment Request on the Navigation Menu.  

The Invoice & Payment Request page is displayed.


The Add Reminder dialog is displayed.

3.  Enter/ select the required values in the fields.  Refer to the table below for field descriptions and example values.

Note:  All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory/required fields.



Example Value

Reminder Name

The name of the reminder.

Before Due Date

Reminder Schedule

Select the number of days for scheduling the reminder and the when option.


If you wish to send a reminder on the due date, set the days equal to zero.

The predefined reminder values are

  • 3 Days Before Due date with App NotificationON EmailOFF

  • 0 Days On Due Date with App NotificationON EmailON

  • Days After Due date with App NotificationON EmailOFF

  • Days After Due date with App NotificationON EmailOFF

5/ Before

Reminder Type

Enable the toggle button for App Notification and/or Email if you wish to receive the reminders via the app or emails.

Note:  At least one Reminder Type should be enabled for saving a reminder.

Email Text

This is an optional message to be displayed in the email reminder.

This is a reminder that your due date is just 5 days away.

4.  Click ADD.

The reminder schedule is added.

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