Managing Discount Category

You can perform actions such as editing and deleting the discount category using the following steps.

1.  Navigate to Configurations > Finance Configuration >  Invoice & Payment Request on the Navigation Menu.  

The  Invoice & Payment Request page is displayed.   Scroll down to the Discount Categories section.

Here, you can view the list of discount categories with their current status, category code, category name in English, category name in Arabic, discount value, and type of discount.

2.  To edit a discount category, click the  icon in its row under the Actions column.

The Edit Discount Category dialog is displayed.

3.  Make the necessary changes to the fields and click SAVE.  For more information on the fields, refer to Adding Discount Category.

4.  To delete a reminder, click the  icon in its row under the Action column.

The Delete Category dialog is displayed.

5.  Click YES.

The discount category is deleted.

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