Viewing Payment Requests/ Invoices in Detail

You can view the detailed information of the payment requests / invoices of the nursery using this option. 

1. Tap the Payment on the Navigation Menu.

The Payment screen showing all the pending payments and paid receipts is displayed.

3.  Tap SHOW DETAILS on the desired card to view the details of the selected payment request/ invoice.

In this example, we are illustrating how to view detailed Payment Request information.  You can follow similar steps to view detailed invoice information.

The selected Payment Request Details screen is displayed.

This screen gives you detailed information related to the payment request such as the student name, status of the payment request, payment request ID, total amount due, and the option to make the payment.

For more information on how to make the payment on payment request/ invoice, refer to Submitting Payment for Payment Requests/ Invoices.

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