The prerequisites for payment plan feature to work efficiently include:
Existing Invoicing Module - The installment feature is an extension of the already existing functional invoicing module on the software for building the existing data structures, workflows, and user interfaces.
Adapting Database Schema - The current database should have the ability or may require modifications to store additional data, including tables or fields for installment details, payment schedules, and tracking information.
Authenticating and Authorizing User Mechanism - Implementation of proper authentication and authorization mechanisms ensures only authorized users can create, modify, and view installment plans, maintaining data security and integrity.
Capable Financial Calculation Engine - The financial calculation engine of the system should be powerful enough to handle complex calculations required for installment amounts, including proportional distribution of discounts, taxes, and adjustments.
Date and Time Management - The system must accurately handle dates, including the calculation of due dates.
User Interface Adaptability - The existing user interface should be able to easily integrate new screens or modal dialogs for configuring and managing installment plans by maintaining a consistent user experience.