Prerequisites for Payment Plan Feature

The prerequisites for payment plan feature to work efficiently include:

  • Existing Invoicing Module - The installment feature is an extension of the already existing functional invoicing module on the software for building the existing data structures, workflows, and user interfaces.

  • Adapting Database Schema - The current database should have the ability or may require modifications to store additional data, including tables or fields for installment details, payment schedules, and tracking information.

  • Authenticating and Authorizing User Mechanism - Implementation of proper authentication and authorization mechanisms ensures only authorized users can create, modify, and view installment plans, maintaining data security and integrity.

  • Capable Financial Calculation Engine - The financial calculation engine of the system should be powerful enough to handle complex calculations required for installment amounts, including proportional distribution of discounts, taxes, and adjustments.

  • Date and Time Management - The system must accurately handle dates, including the calculation of due dates.

  • User Interface Adaptability - The existing user interface should be able to easily integrate new screens or modal dialogs for configuring and managing installment plans by maintaining a consistent user experience.

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