Setting Up an Installment Plan for New Invoices

You can set up installment plans to automate the calculation of installment amounts and track payments efficiently when creating a new invoice.

1.  Navigate to Finance > Invoices on the Navigation Menu.

The Invoices page is displayed.

2.  To set up an installment plan when creating an invoice, click ADD INVOICE.

The Add Invoice page is displayed.

3.  Enter/ select the required values in the fields.  For more information regarding the fields, refer to Adding an Invoice.

4.  Click Setup Instalment Plan.

The Setup installments dialog is displayed.

Note:  All the fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

5.  Enter the count of individual scheduled payments representing a part of the total invoice amount in the Number of Installments field.

6.  Enter the scheduled time between two intervals of installments in the Time Interval Time Interval field and select the appropriate installment interval option -  Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

7.  Select the date of the first installment from the Date of First Instalment calendar.

8.  Click SAVE.

The Installment Plan dialog is displayed.

9.  Check the plan thoroughly and click ADD.

For more information, refer to Managing Installment Plan.

The installment plan is added to the invoice.

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