Students Attendance Configuration

The Students Attendance Configuration is designed for administrators to customize and manage the attendance settings for students within the nursery. This guide ensures accurate and efficient attendance tracking, allowing admins to modify configurations according to the nursery's operational needs.

Note: The student's attendance feature is turned on by default.


1. Navigate to Configurations

On your left menu, you'll see a section called "Configurations". Give that a click.

2. Head to Attendance Configurations

From the options under configurations, look for "Attendance Configuration" and click on it.

3. Click on Student Attendance.

You'll be directed to the Students Attendance Configuration page.

How to disable the students attendance feature from Bounce mobile applications

1. Disable the Student Attendance Toggle

From the student's attendance page, you'll see an option called Students Attendance. This is your key to enable or disable the student's attendance feature. Just click on it to deactivate.

2. Click SAVE

Don’t forget to hit the SAVE button to lock in your changes.

A confirmation message will appear, which means the student's attendance feature is now deactivated.

How to change the attendance mode to Present and absent

Want to switch the attendance mode from check-in and check-out to present and absent mode? Let’s do it together: 

1. Navigate to Attendance Mode.

Make sure the student's attendance feature is enabled. From the second section of the staff attendance configuration page, you can see the Attendance Mode is set to check-in - check-out mode by default.

2. Click on the toggle

By clicking on the toggle, the attendance mode switches to present - absent mode.

3. Click SAVE

Don’t forget to hit the SAVE button to lock in your changes.

A confirmation message will appear, which means the student's attendance mode is now present and absent. 

How to change the default student check-in time of the previous day

A parent or a staff Missed a check-in of a student? No worries, set a default. To set a default time for a student check-in when staff or a parent missed it, follow the following steps:

1. Find and Set the Default Check-In Time.

Set the time you want a student to be marked as present if a parent or student missed the check-in.

NOTE: The auto check-in happens after generating a student attendance report for the previous day.

2. Click SAVE

After setting the time, don’t forget to hit the SAVE button to lock in your changes.

A confirmation message will appear, which means the Default check-in time has been modified. 

How to enable or disable students from being checked-out automatically

Want bounce to automatically check out a student in case staff or a parent missed it?

Follow these steps:

1. Head to Auto Checkout.

Within Student Attendance Configurations, this section decides if students get checked out automatically or not.

2 Toggle On or Off.

To enable it turn the toggle on, To disable it turn the toggle off.

3. When ON (Adjust The Auto Checkout Interval Hours).

Set the preferred number of hours after which students should be checked out.

NOTE: Students will be automatically checked out after the number of hours set from the time a student has checked in. Ie. A student checked in @9:00 AM and the interval hours is set at 3 hours. The student will auto check-out @12:00 PM.

4. Click SAVE

After setting the auto checkout time, don’t forget to hit the SAVE button to lock in your changes.

A confirmation message will appear, which means the Default check-in time has been modified. 

How to allow parents to see the Kiosk of their student’s attendance

Want to allow parents to see the kiosk for their students. Follow the following steps: 

1. Go to Kiosk Mode for the Parents Section

Enable the kiosk mode for parents to see the kiosk for their student's attendance.

NOTE: You can also require parents or authorized pickers to sign while dropping off or picking up their students. To Do so:

5. Enable the Require Signature From Parents

This is an optional step. You can require a parent or authorized picker to sign when dropping off and picking up a student.

6. Click SAVE

After enabling the kiosk mode and requiring a signature for parents, don’t forget to hit the SAVE button to lock in your changes.

A confirmation message will appear, which means parents no longer have access to kiosk mode, and a signature is required whenever a parent or authorized picker drops off or picks up their students.

How to allow and not allow parents to mark students as absent

You can give control for parents to mark their students as absent wherever they are through the mobile app. To give them this ability, follow the steps below:

1. Find Allow Parents to Mark Students as Absent.

By enabling the toggle, parents or authorized pickers can mark their students as absent through the mobile app.

NOTE: Turn it off to not allow parents or authorized picker to mark students as absent through the mobile app.

2. Click SAVE

After enabling or disabling the ability for parents to mark their students as absent, hit the SAVE button to lock in your changes.

A confirmation message will appear, which means changes have been saved.

How to capture absence reason when marking a student as absent

Through the absence reason feature, Nurseries can capture and record the absence reason of a student. To enable this feature, follow the steps:

1. Navigate to Capture The Reason For Absence.

2. Enable the toggle next to capture the reason for the absence

NOTE: After enabling the feature a table of reasons will appear this is where you can create multiple reasons for parents and teacher. Lets create one together

3. Click on Add Reason

By clicking on the add reason button, a modal will appear where you can add a reason code, a Reason name in English, and a Reason name in Arabic.

4. Click on Add

After clicking on add, the reason should be successfully added to the reasons table.

5. Save Changes

After adding all your reasons, don’t forget to save changes.

After saving changes, parents and teachers can now add a reason for a student’s absence when marking them as absent.

How to add a reason for the absence of students

An "Absence Reason" is a brief explanation provided when a student misses a day at the nursery. By capturing these reasons, the nursery understands the reason for a student’s absence entered by a parent or a teacher. 

1. Navigate to the Reason for the absence of students' table

NOTE: Make sure capturing the reason for absence is enabled.

2. Click on Add Reason

Enter the reason code which is optional, reason in English, and reason in Arabic.

3. Click on Add

4. Save Changes

After adding the reason details, don’t forget to save the changes.

How to edit or delete an absence reason of students

As an admin, you have full control over the absence reasons listed in the system. Whether a reason becomes outdated or needs a slight tweak, you can easily edit or remove it.

1. Navigate to the Reason for the absence of students table

NOTE: Make sure capturing the reason for absence is enabled.

2. Actions Column

The "Actions" column in the Absence Reason's table is your command center for managing each listed reason. Here, you'll find options to Edit or Delete a reason.

3. Save Changes

After you've made edits to an absence reason or decided to delete one, it's essential to lock in those changes. Click on save

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