Adding an Invoice

You can add invoices to ensure clear financial records and accurate payments by following the steps below.

1.  Navigate to Finance > Invoices on the Navigation Menu.

The Invoices page is displayed.

2.  Click ADD INVOICE.

The Add Invoice page is displayed.

3.  Enter/ select the required values in the fields.  Refer to the table below for field descriptions and example values.



Example Value

Invoice Date

The date of creation of the invoice.  By default, the current date is taken.


Payment Terms

The term applicable to make the payment for the invoice.

Note: The dropdown list consists of the payment terms configured in Finance Configurations

Net 7

Due Date

The due date for the invoice will be auto-calculated if the Payment Term is selected from the dropdown list.

Note:  If you choose Custom from the Payment Terms dropdown list, the Due date field will be editable for you to choose the due date.

Billing Period

The invoice billing period with the specific starting and ending dates.


Internal Notes

The message/notes for internal use.

Need to send a reminder 3 days before the due date.


The receivers of the invoice such as students, groups, or external sources.  For more information, refer to Adding Recipients.


Invoice Item

The items on the invoice. For more information, refer to Adding Invoice Items.

English Books


Notes/ remarks to be added to the invoice.

Products shall not be replaced if found damaged.


Displays the total amount and its autogenerated breakdown on the invoice.

4.  Click Save as Draft or Generate Invoice.

The invoice is successfully created.  If you have saved the invoice as a draft, you can generate the invoice later when required.

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