Students Overview

The Students module allows the administrators to view and manage all the student information.  

The admins can easily view the student list and manage their attendance efficiently.  Along with the name of the student, it also displays the parents’ names of the students, the group names, and types to which the student is assigned, and the status of the student. 

Additionally, the Students module allows the admins to manage student information. It allows the addition of individual student information and the uploading of student information in bulk as well.  It also enables the viewing and editing of student information. 

Furthermore, the Attendance section simplifies tracking each student's daily presence or absence allowing the admins to easily navigate, edit, and monitor attendance, ensuring accuracy. 

The Admissions section enables the tracking of the details of all the prospective admissions and their respective statuses providing the admins an efficient interface to easily navigate, edit, and monitor admission progress.

1. Navigate to Students.

The Students navigation menu is displayed.

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